
visionCATS 4.0


  • Evaluation

    • Extended Linearity profile representation mode

    • Internal Standard evaluation advanced mode

    • Option to show calibration curve with reference points only

    • Evaluation does not need to be linked with documentation step anymore

    • Step selection in definition tab

    • Export assigned peak only option

    • Progress bar in evaluation integration and substance assignment tabs

    • Related substance by volume and by dilution : tooltips to explain how reference value is computed

    • Option to prevent the “This will delete the substance assignments..” popup from being shown

  • New Impurity test tab

  • Comparison

    • Definition of a third group in image and profile tabs (see Image comparison and Profile comparison)

    • Renaming of groups

    • Group by analysis/vials option

    • Sort by vial ID option

    • It is now possible to open the source analysis of a track from the left panel of the Comparison Image and Profile tabs

    • Lines at 𝑅ꜰ 0 and 1 in newly created comparisons

  • Global lists


    • HPTLC PRO SYSTEM History Table display mode

    • HPTLC PRO SYSTEM History toolbar improvements

    • Try to eject carrier now performs a move to feeding position even if the SYSTEM does not have a PLATE STORAGE module

    • A HPTLC PRO SYSTEM can now recover from a critical error following an interruption error

    • A warning is now sent when a HPTLC PRO Module available memory is low

    • A critical error and a reset is performed when a HPTLC PRO Module runs out of memory

    • It is now possible to lock a HPTLC PRO SYSTEM in error state

    • It is now possible to force the end of the initialization of a HPTLC PRO Module by right-clicking on it

    • The HPTLC PRO SYSTEM details window now display a visual cue when a module internal initialization is in progress

    • It is now possible to expand/collapse each system in the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM Configuration window

    • In the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM Configuration window, the UI has been improved (unused section is now fixed, drag and drop operations are easier to perform)

    • In the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM Configuration window, it is now possible to save while a HPTLC PRO SYSTEM details window is opened

    • If the automatic chamber regulation is disabled and the option to activate is for the next sequence is enabled, the regulation is stopped automatically once the last DEVELOPMENT module step of this sequence is finished

    • APPLICATION module step parameters have been visually improved by “moving” informational tooltips directly before the Sample solvent type/Rinsing type

    • Manual control wizards have been improved to better handle module disconnection

    • DERIVATIZATION module hood positioning issues tracked in visionCATS

    • DEVELOPMENT Diagnostics: enhance display of errors during Blower P1 test

    • Additional information concerning HPTLC PRO Module diagnostics displayed in History tab

    • Show last activity feature

    • DERIVATIZATION module clean tubes manual control function - better module preparation and module restoration explanations

    • Notifications on HPTLC PRO run abort or interruption

    • Automatic logging of log snapshot when a HPTLC PRO run error occurs

    • HPTLC PRO Maintenance tool restrictions for Service role

    • dichloromethane min. pump power set to 30%

  • Explorer

    • Advanced search option to search for blocked analysis after an abort

    • Renaming a file fills and selects the new name by default

    • Advanced search: change term ‘derivatize’ by ‘derivatization’

    • Advanced search: add a search by instrument SN criteria

    • Advanced search: substance filter

    • Advanced search: add advanced evaluation modes

  • Reporting

    • A report setting has been added for analysis files to display the track assignment table above each image in the report

  • Administration

  • User documentation

    • Support for anchors in offline documentation

    • Offline documentation integrated in docking system (see Software and instruments help)

    • Open documentation on What’s new page after update

  • Other

    • Overall, it is now possible to show the password being entered in login windows

    • Docking enhancements (scroll bars)

    • HPTLC instruments info

    • Hatched tracks warning

    • Improved support for documentation-only analysis

    • New Client profiles application

    • Filling vacuum time is now set to 0 and blocked when Fill only programmed volume is checked

    • 𝑅ꜰ axis label added in all places where the axis is displayed

    • Page size chooser added to System logger and Table display mode

    • Abort and interruption cases differentiation

    • ATS 4 default values changes

    • ATS 4 filling vacuum time blocked to 0 when fill only programmed volume is used

    • General logging improvements using Serilog features

    • Report template information added to metadata.txt file

    • Installer: web API port display and checks

  • Technology

    • Switch to .NET 6

    • Switch to SQL Server EXPRESS 2022

    • Switch from C++ AMP to OpenCL

    • Method library has been revamped and deployed to a new location

    • User documentation website has been deployed to a new location

    • Code signing for visionCATS installer, libraries and executables

    • Logging system switched to Serilog

    • Change password hashing algorithm

Breaking changes

  • End of support TLC Visualizer (first generation): the instrument will not be detected, please use instead TLC Visualizer 3 (or TLC Visualizer 2).

  • End of support TLC Scanner 3: the instrument will not be detected, please use instead TLC Scanner 4.

  • End of support for visionCATS before version 2.5: Importing files or upgrading a whole installation from before version 2.5 is not anymore supported.

  • End of support for Windows Server 2012 R2: visionCATS is not anymore supported on Windows Server 2012 R2.

  • Removal of legacy reports

  • The Project Explorer window has been removed

Bug fixes

  • visionCATS crashed due to generating profiles

  • Issues with Substance assignment tab of Evaluation when using Range mode assignment

  • HPTLC PRO Firmware tab - Firmware update header display is cropped

  • Unable to execute sequence with DEVELOPMENT and/or DERIVATIZATION module when assignment table is empty

  • Host names should support leading and trailing spaces

  • Moving visualizer step while analysis is running

  • Invalid display in Calibration->Overview->Excluded sample track when regression value is < 0

  • Display issue in ADC 2 execution view

  • InvalidOperationException crash when hiding all tracks in an evaluation

  • Finished state in explorer view is wrong

  • Calibration data lost in evaluations

  • Comparison spectrum’s maximum don’t work like before

  • Spectrum maximum is slow

  • Scanner 4 advanced mode’s first wavelength lamp is not the right one

  • Bad handling of clean plate correction’s errors

  • Diagnostics missing scroll bar

  • Update text when Firmware Update disabled

  • Plate layout display issue

  • Signal meter issue

  • Visualizer’s manual control: auto WB can crash

  • Guest folder creation issue

  • Predosage volume unit for ATS 4 in Explorer preview

  • APPLICATION module first solvent set not applied

  • Deleted peaks are found again

visionCATS 3.2 SP 2


Bug fix

  • Corrected: in the Integration tab deleted peaks were found again.

visionCATS 3.2 SP 1

  • Support for the TLC Visualizer 3

  • Support for Windows 11

visionCATS 3.2


  • Support for the HPTLC PRO Module DERIVATIZATION

  • Evaluation improvements

  • 21 CFR Part 11 compliance improvements

    • E-Signature of diagnostics

    • Log missing E-Signature attempts

    • Lock user after X missing E-Signature attempts

    • Log diagnostics abort

    • Allow 5 days of usage when hardware ID is wrong

    • Split set read-only and remove read-only rights

    • Split general settings and regulatory settings rights

    • Deactivate Open As when 21 CFR 11 option is activated

    • Summary of method parameters changes in an analysis

    • Archive system, see Deletion of data

    • PDF export for System logger

    • New options to prevent reexecution of steps in an analysis

    • Show images and profiles in the HPTLC Logger after an abort

  • HPTLC PRO support improvements

    • HPTLC PRO Logging improvements

    • HPTLC PRO SYSTEM display improvements

    • Performance improvements related to HPTLC PRO support

    • End of run execution in an analysis

    • HPTLC PRO global lists improvements

    • HPTLC PRO APPLICATION can have several sets of sample solvent type, see CAMAG® HPTLC PRO Module APPLICATION

    • Import missing solvents in global lists when importing analyses or methods, see Unsupported data

  • Track Assignment table improvements

    • Track assignment table import/export

    • Track assignment table logging

    • Blank tracks

  • Other improvements

    • Multi-selection in Vials/Substances editor

    • Multi-selection in Explorer

    • Liter abbreviation

    • Analysis execution display changes

    • Report display in read-only files

    • Harmonization of the refresh functions in configuration windows

    • Get debug logs option in Backup Tool

    • Batch number field

    • Close an analysis while a step is in progress also for non HPTLC PRO instruments

    • Improvements in definition of spectrum positions in Spectrum Definition Table

    • Correction of concentration and quantity unit auto-switch in evaluation

    • TLC Visualizer (any version) use a smaller ROI for auto exposure

Breaking changes

  • End of support for visionCATS before version 2.4: Importing files or upgrading a whole installation from before version 2.4 is not anymore supported.

Bug fixes

  • Corrected New method when default Plate Manufacturer Merck was renamed or deleted.

  • Corrected drag and drop of files from Windows.

  • Issues with printer driver will not lead anymore to visionCATS crash.

  • Don’t delete the E-Signature when the report is generated

  • Date/time format differences between E-Signature and System Logger

  • New folder renaming in popup

  • Report ID of diagnostics for visionCATS client should not include PC name

  • Run finished but step not terminated

  • Guest folder not created when user has Guest rights through a Group

  • In report, warning ‘step was restored’ was always displayed

  • Corrected exposure computation for rare case (for TLC Visualizer (any version))

  • Importing “again” renamed user from Windows is now impossible, use Update user from Windows instead

  • Only unlocked users should be used for auto login

visionCATS 3.1



    • Support for the HPTLC PRO Module PLATE STORAGE

      • Module properties, diagnostics, operations and firmware management

      • Sequence execution (and associated improvements : plate is clean option, delayed start, last sequence info, eject carrier from module PLATE STORAGE)

    • Major improvements have been made to the HPTLC PRO Module DEVELOPMENT diagnostics

    • Support for multiple HPTLC PRO Module APPLICATION steps in methods/analysis

    • Improved HPTLC PRO SYSTEM reset and reinitialization functions

    • If a sequence is not compatible with the run to add, the Add to sequence popup now explains why

    • It is now possible to execute manual control operations which don’t require the use of the feeder if the module is not fully initialized

    • Module DEVELOPMENT steps are faster because the post-cleaning is now performed once the step is finished

    • It is now possible to apply up to 40 microliter for a single application with the HPTLC PRO Module APPLICATION

    • It is now possible to configure the start/end of the conditioning during a development with the HPTLC PRO Module DEVELOPMENT

  • Global enhancements

    • New report technology

      • wkhtmltopdf was replaced by EO.PDF

      • Handlebars was upgraded to 4.7.3

      • SignalR and Metamorphic were removed

      • Flot was replaced by D3.js

    • New 3D viewer technology

      • OGRE was upgraded to 2.2.3, using now DirectX 11

    • Sample reference amount unit change

    • Mixture naming changes for tracks with overspots

    • User groups

    • Installation modes changes in the visionCATS installer

Bug fixes

  • Corrected some refresh issues with the Plate view (tracks highlighting with APPLICATION ; global update when an analysis is reopened during execution)

  • Full cleaning of the moves when a sequence is aborted

  • Supporting changing of DPI or screen resolution

  • Report template cannot be anymore changed for locked analysis

  • Report information for image contrast has now correct precision

  • Corrected report styles copied to user temp folder with user name having special characters

visionCATS 3.0


  • Support for CAMAG® HPTLC PRO

    • Support for the HPTLC PRO Module APPLICATION and the HPTLC PRO Module DEVELOPMENT

    • Administration and management of HPTLC PRO SYSTEM including new rights, notifications, consumables validation, logging and diagnostics features

  • Global enhancements

    • New design

    • New docking system

    • High DPI support

    • Update Database server to Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express

    • Added a Get Debug Logs button to window appearing when visionCATS crashes

  • In Explorer

    • Added filter for in progress items

  • In Method

    • Added remarks tab

    • Added method report

  • In evaluation:

    • Added a Clear baseline interactive settings button

    • Limit test: reformulated some names

    • It is no more possible to delete locked evaluations in analysis if the “Allow complete deletion” setting is not enabled

  • In Comparison

  • In Tools

    • New Global list editor

  • In User Management

    • Export user table as CSV file

    • Allow linking existing visionCATS user to Active Directory

  • In General Settings

    • Added a Get Notification toggle

Bug fixes

  • Added support for hybrid graphic cards (mainly for laptop PC)

  • Better support of specific plate formats in report

  • Hardware ID generation

  • Substance assignment export should work without export data option

  • As guest user, move an item from a subfolder to the guest root send the item to the void

visionCATS 2.5


  • In Explorer

    • New advanced search in Explorer, with many new filters

    • Improved Explorer recent items

    • Explorer item notes is now separate from Track Assignment notes

  • In evaluation:

    • New version of the Gauss peak detection algorithm

    • Export of results as CSV file

    • New concentration unit choices (volume concentration, molar)

    • New limit test mode “at”

    • The export of the calibration curve image now gives the user the ability to export the legend or not

  • In Comparison

    • Comparison has now also a remark tab

    • Comparison Profile Wavelength view, can display tracks at several wavelength

    • Comparison Profile has now an easy mode

    • Comparison Profile is now able to detect peaks

  • Instruments

    • For TLC Visualizer, a warning will now be display during execution (and in Images View) if HDRI capture is not optimal (exposure time too long).

    • TLC Visualizer 2 is now able to take HDRI image with the longest exposure up to 60 seconds (capture takes longer but is able to give better results)

    • To facilitate the management of AMD2 steps, a copy/paste function has been added to the Gradient tab

    • For Linomat 5, the “Dosage speed” upper limit is now 1000nl/s.

  • In SST

    • Display corrected tracks instead of raw data

    • The SST table now has an optional “Min. Height” field which corresponds to the minimum required height of the peak detected in the 𝑅ꜰ range of the SST item

  • In the data image view of the analysis, it is now possible to choose what to export when copying to clipboard, by using the export image button and choosing “Export to clipboard” in the options. As a result, the dedicated “Copy to clipboard” button has been removed (but the function remain accessible by performing a right click on the image)

  • Analysis and comparison logs can now be added to the item report (previous specific export is removed)

  • Analysis Tracks view, for scanner profiles, can display one track at several wavelength, with a color coding for each wavelength

  • Ability to open item as (or execute as), to use another visionCATS user than the currently logged in

  • Possibility to send notification (email) to the user when an instrument step is finish (current user or ‘open as’ user)

  • Backup tool can restore backup made with previous versions

  • In user management, existing imported users from Windows can now be updated

  • Profile viewer is now able to be used in two or more view in the same time (docking or multi windows)

  • visionCATS Diagnostics offer now an overview of the status of server and its clients

  • Backup Tool is now able to restore database backups coming from old versions of visionCATS

  • Online instrument documentation available

  • To help the documentation of the installed system, it’s now possible to export the general settings view as an image

  • A new “Service Tool” is now available for support after install

  • Image thumbnails are now stored as file and not anymore in database (database files are therefore a lot smaller for big installations)

  • Installer:

    • During installation, port of visionCATS client is now also configurable

    • After visionCATS upgrade, the license should now be re-activated

    • When installing or uninstalling visionCATS, the installer now has an “Export installation logs” image button

Bug fixes

  • Added missing sample reference amount data in report