Changing template structure

General structure

The entry point of the report is the file report.html. It contains all links to the first level partials, expect for page header and page footer. These are described by the files pageHeader.html and pageFooter.html


In visionCATS’s report templates, the Handlebars partials are automatically registered, and the partial name is always the same as the filename (without .html extension).

The structure of the report is clearly visible with the partial links:

{{> header}}
{{> sequenceTable}}
{{> systemSetup}}
{{> chromatography}}
{{> systemSuitabilityTests}}
{{> dataAcquisition}}
{{> evaluationsList}}
{{> remarks}}
{{> signature}}

By opening the corresponding partial files, the inner structure of the template can easily be discovered.

Heading and report overview

As standard HTML, all the heading (i.e. titles) are marked with H1 to H6. But for the heading to appears also in the report overview of visionCATS, some special attributes must be added.

  • element class should be set to toc.

  • toc-id should be set to a unique ID. Most report data have a BookmarkId property for this case, but some other ID could be used.

  • toc-name should have the text of the wanted heading in the overview.

  • toc-display should have the text of the heading to be displayed in the report


The heading element should not have any content.


<h3 class="toc" toc-id="{{SystemBookmarkId}}" toc-name="System setup" toc-display="System setup:"></h3>
