
Toolboxes provide additional interaction or feedback about the system. They can be opened or closed to adapt the program window for both small and big screen resolutions. Your workplace is fully configurable, as you can dock every toolbox at the right place in your main window. The following toolboxes are available:

Instruments Toolbox


Shortcut: KeyF10

A list of instruments installed on the system is visible. The Instrument Properties can be accessed with a double click on an instrument in this ToolBox as well as the Instrument diagnostics.

There is also information on the status (running, on-/off-line) of each instrument.

  • attention_24 Instrument does not have a passed diagnostics session, see Instrument diagnostics

  • statusESignFull The last instrument diagnostics session is e-signed. See E-Signature for more details.

  • DiagAlarm Instrument diagnostics will soon be out of date, see Instrument diagnostics

  • disconnected_24 Instrument disconnected

  • run Instrument is running

  • incompatible_firmware The firmware version of the module and the current version of visionCATS are not compatible (HPTLC PRO only)

  • servicemode The module is in service mode (HPTLC PRO only). This happens when a maintenance has been performed on the module, or during specific manual control commands. A module in service mode should not execute runs. To get out of the service mode, reset the module (see HPTLC PRO Module reset).

System Log Toolbox


Shortcut: KeyF11

The system log toolbox shows a history of recent system activity like accessed files, management actions or instrument status messages. See System logger for more information.

  • showfullview Open the full system logger view