HPTLC PRO Settings



Main toolbar

  • addsystem Add a new HPTLC PRO SYSTEM by specifying its name

  • refresh Refresh the whole view

  • exportimg Export the whole view as image (for documentation or support purpose)

  • expandall and collapseall Expand/Collapse all rows at once (useful on large installations having several CAMAG® HPTLC PRO SYSTEM)


As for other windows, changes performed in this window must be saved (see Menu File). If CAMAG® HPTLC PRO SYSTEM Details windows are opened during the save operation, the following popup appears:



Each HPTLC PRO SYSTEM is displayed in a row.


The header of the row displays the usual warning if the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM has no valid diagnostics (see Diagnostics tab), as well as a description of its supervisors (if any) and expand/collapse buttons.


By default an empty CAMAG® HPTLC PRO SYSTEM named Default is created.


The HPTLC PRO Modules appear at the bottom in the Unused row.

All HPTLC PRO Modules of the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM are displayed here. The order of the HPTLC PRO SYSTEMS can be changed by dragging/dropping the whole row.


The order of HPTLC PRO Modules shown here must be identical to the physical order.


  • systemonline systemoffline The HPTLC PRO SYSTEM must be offline in order to configure the Modules it contains.

    • By dragging/dropping HPTLC PRO Modules, place them in the right HPTLC PRO SYSTEM and in the right order, corresponding to the way they are physically arranged

    • removesystem Remove the whole HPTLC PRO SYSTEM (every HPTLC PRO Module should be first moved to another existing HPTLC PRO SYSTEM or to the Unused row)

    • rename Rename the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM

  • reset Will trigger a hard reset of each connected HPTLC PRO Module of the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM successively and also abort all the runs currently executing on the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM. See HPTLC PRO SYSTEM reset.

  • supervisor Select the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM Supervisor(s) for this System. Only available if User Management is enabled, otherwise the user visionCATS_user has this role by default.

  • opendetails Open the CAMAG® HPTLC PRO SYSTEM Details view

Additionally, the background of each HPTLC PRO SYSTEM and the status of the HPTLC PRO Modules are displayed, like in the status bar (see HPTLC PRO SYSTEM status).