

  • Instruments (KeyF10): A list of instruments installed on the system.

See Instruments Toolbox for more information.

  • System Log (KeyF11): The system log toolbox shows a history of recent system activities.

See System Log Toolbox for more information.

Other tools

  • Edit Substances / Vials (KeyF12): The Vial/Substance Editor allows you to manage the vials and substances of your visionCATS system.

See Vial/Substance Editor for more information.

  • Edit global lists (KeyF8): The editor contains the new lists for HPTLC PRO Modules, and the previously available lists of the other instruments.

See Global lists editor for more information.

  • Full System Log : The System Logger logs automatically the important actions made by the users of the visionCATS software.

See System logger for more information.


The method library is only available online (requires internet connection).