File Types

folderBig Folders

Folders represent a usual and convenient way to organize your files.


The root folder can only contain subfolders.


When opening visionCATS, the default behavior consists in opening the root folder, unless there is only one folder in the root folder. In this case visionCATS goes directly to this folder.


Guest users can’t go outside the special “Guest” folder.

methodBig Methods

The methods are the root elements of visionCATS. They represent the definition of analyses (plate layout, steps, track assignment, evaluations definitions). See Method / Analysis File for more details.


visionCATS method files can be created manually (from scratch), by copying an existing method, by generating one from an analysis file, or by importing.


A winCATS method imported in visionCATS appears like any other visionCATS method.

analyseBig Analysis

The analysis are the central elements of visionCATS. They contain all the input data coming from the source method, as well as the data produced during the execution of the steps. See Method / Analysis File for more details.


visionCATS analysis files can be created by executing a method, copying an existing analysis, redoing a copy or by importing.

analyseOldBig winCATS Analysis

A winCATS analysis can be imported in visionCATS, but the resulting file in visionCATS only contain the description of the Track Assignment and the report describing the whole analysis.

comparisonBig Comparison

Comparison files are used to compare track images and profiles, and spectra across different analysis. They are populated by using the Export to comparison function of the 𝑅ꜰ Tools and Tracks and spectrum Data in an analysis. See Comparison Viewer for more details.


visionCATS comparison files can be created manually, by copying, or by importing.


Using the copy/paste function between two comparisons is another way to populate comparison files.