Backup / Restore¶
Your visionCATS data is stored in a database and in a set of folders (for example for pictures taken with a TLC Visualizer/TLC Visualizer 2, TLC Scanner 3/4 profiles and spectrum data), under the image location path configured during the installation procedure. A backup strategy needs to be chosen in order to prevent any unwanted data loss. Depending on your situation, you may want or be required to rely on a global backup solution provided by your IT department, such as automatic backups of entire machines. Or, you may want to perform specific backups of visionCATS data, in which case you can use the visionCATS Backup Tool located in the server’s installation directory. The backup process generates a dump file (or folder) of all data (database and image folder). With the manual restore process, it is possible to restore the whole data. The backup data file has to be stored in a safe place.
A physical backup of the database is not a proper way to save the data produced with visionCATS and will lead to data loss if a restore would be needed! CAMAG strongly recommends performing regular backups.

If you have an automatic file-based backup system, the visionCATS Backup Tool allows you to put all files in one place in order for your backup system to take them. In this case, use the option to backup visionCATS data in a plain folder instead of a ZIP file, and the backups will be performed incrementally.
If the ZIP file resulting of the backup is too big for your own backup storage media (DVD, cloud…), you can perform a backup to a plain folder and then split the files accordingly.